We will Analyze the correlation of temperatures changes on energy use, land cover,waste use and deforestoration by questioning these questions.

  • What are the areas with biggest/smallest change in temperature?
  • Are there any correlations between the hottest changes and other phenomena (like land coverage, land fires, CO2 emissions etc.)
  • How does the seasonal temperature change look like?
  • How does this vary by continent? Particularly South America?
# For example, running this (by clicking run or pressing Shift+Enter) will list all files under the input directory

import os
for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk('/kaggle/input'):
    for filename in filenames:
        print(os.path.join(dirname, filename))

# You can write up to 20GB to the current directory (/kaggle/working/) that gets preserved as output when you create a version using "Save & Run All" 
# You can also write temporary files to /kaggle/temp/, but they won't be saved outside of the current session
import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd 
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import warnings
df_temperature = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/z-unlocked-challenge-1-data-visualization/temperature_change_data_11-29-2021.csv")
Domain Code Domain Area Code (ISO3) Area Element Code Element Months Code Months Year Code Year Unit Value Flag Flag Description
0 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1961 1961 °C -0.751 Fc Calculated data
1 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1962 1962 °C 0.985 Fc Calculated data
2 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1963 1963 °C 1.931 Fc Calculated data
3 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1964 1964 °C -2.056 Fc Calculated data
4 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1965 1965 °C -0.669 Fc Calculated data
temp_max = df_temperature.groupby("Area")["Value"].max().sort_values(ascending=False).reset_index()
temp_min = df_temperature.groupby("Area")["Value"].min().sort_values().reset_index()

d2 = temp_max[:5]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
plt.bar(d2['Area'], d2['Value'], width=0.3)
for i, val in enumerate(d2['Value'].values):
    plt.text(i, val, round(float(val)), horizontalalignment='center', 
             verticalalignment='bottom', fontdict={'fontweight':500, 'size': 16})
plt.gca().set_xticklabels(d2['Area'], fontdict={'size': 14},rotation=60)
plt.title("Max temperature Change for top 5 Area", fontsize=22)
plt.ylabel("Temperature", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("Area", fontsize=16)
d2 = temp_min[:5]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
plt.bar(d2['Area'], d2['Value'], width=0.3)
for i, val in enumerate(d2['Value'].values):
    plt.text(i, val, round(float(val)), horizontalalignment='center', 
             verticalalignment='bottom', fontdict={'fontweight':500, 'size': 16})
plt.gca().set_xticklabels(d2['Area'], fontdict={'size': 14},rotation=60)
plt.title("Min temperature Change for top 5 Area", fontsize=22)
plt.ylabel("Temperature", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("Area", fontsize=16)

Biggest/smallest change in temperature:

  • Svalbard and Jan Mayeb Island is the most change in temperature based on the chart above

Are there any correlations between the hottest changes and other phenomena (like land coverage, land fires, CO2 emissions etc.)

  • Look at all the possibilities from another dataset/tables
energy_df = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/z-unlocked-challenge-1-data-visualization/energy_use_data_11-29-2021.csv")
Domain Code Domain Area Code (ISO3) Area Element Code Element Item Code Item Year Code Year Unit Value Flag Flag Description
0 GN Energy Use AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6801 Gas-Diesel oil 1990 1990 kilotonnes 231.4918 F FAO estimate
1 GN Energy Use AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6801 Gas-Diesel oil 1991 1991 kilotonnes 188.5317 F FAO estimate
2 GN Energy Use AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6801 Gas-Diesel oil 1992 1992 kilotonnes 47.9904 F FAO estimate
3 GN Energy Use AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6801 Gas-Diesel oil 1993 1993 kilotonnes 38.6116 F FAO estimate
4 GN Energy Use AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6801 Gas-Diesel oil 1994 1994 kilotonnes 31.4465 F FAO estimate
land_df = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/z-unlocked-challenge-1-data-visualization/land_cover_data_11-30-2021.csv")
Domain Code Domain Area Code (ISO3) Area Element Code Element Item Code Item Year Code Year Unit Value Flag Flag Description
0 LC Land Cover AFG Afghanistan 5007 Area from MODIS 6970 Artificial surfaces (including urban and assoc... 2001 2001 1000 ha 88.1603 FC Calculated data
1 LC Land Cover AFG Afghanistan 5007 Area from MODIS 6970 Artificial surfaces (including urban and assoc... 2002 2002 1000 ha 88.1818 FC Calculated data
2 LC Land Cover AFG Afghanistan 5007 Area from MODIS 6970 Artificial surfaces (including urban and assoc... 2003 2003 1000 ha 88.2247 FC Calculated data
3 LC Land Cover AFG Afghanistan 5007 Area from MODIS 6970 Artificial surfaces (including urban and assoc... 2004 2004 1000 ha 88.2462 FC Calculated data
4 LC Land Cover AFG Afghanistan 5007 Area from MODIS 6970 Artificial surfaces (including urban and assoc... 2005 2005 1000 ha 88.3106 FC Calculated data
energy_df = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/z-unlocked-challenge-1-data-visualization/energy_use_data_11-29-2021.csv")
Domain Code Domain Area Code (ISO3) Area Element Code Element Item Code Item Year Code Year Unit Value Flag Flag Description
0 GN Energy Use AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6801 Gas-Diesel oil 1990 1990 kilotonnes 231.4918 F FAO estimate
1 GN Energy Use AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6801 Gas-Diesel oil 1991 1991 kilotonnes 188.5317 F FAO estimate
2 GN Energy Use AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6801 Gas-Diesel oil 1992 1992 kilotonnes 47.9904 F FAO estimate
3 GN Energy Use AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6801 Gas-Diesel oil 1993 1993 kilotonnes 38.6116 F FAO estimate
4 GN Energy Use AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6801 Gas-Diesel oil 1994 1994 kilotonnes 31.4465 F FAO estimate
Domain Code Domain Area Code (ISO3) Area Element Code Element Months Code Months Year Code Year Unit Value Flag Flag Description
0 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1961 1961 °C -0.751 Fc Calculated data
1 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1962 1962 °C 0.985 Fc Calculated data
2 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1963 1963 °C 1.931 Fc Calculated data
3 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1964 1964 °C -2.056 Fc Calculated data
4 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1965 1965 °C -0.669 Fc Calculated data
waste_df = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/z-unlocked-challenge-1-data-visualization/waste_disposal_data_11-29-2021.csv")
Domain Code Domain Area Code (ISO3) Area Element Code Element Item Code Item Year Code Year Unit Value Flag Flag Description
0 GW Waste Disposal AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6990 Incineration 1990 1990 kilotonnes 0.0 Fc Calculated data
1 GW Waste Disposal AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6990 Incineration 1991 1991 kilotonnes 0.0 Fc Calculated data
2 GW Waste Disposal AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6990 Incineration 1992 1992 kilotonnes 0.0 Fc Calculated data
3 GW Waste Disposal AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6990 Incineration 1993 1993 kilotonnes 0.0 Fc Calculated data
4 GW Waste Disposal AFG Afghanistan 7273 Emissions (CO2) 6990 Incineration 1994 1994 kilotonnes 0.0 Fc Calculated data
fires_df = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/z-unlocked-challenge-1-data-visualization/fires_data_11-29-2021.csv")
Domain Code Domain Area Code (ISO3) Area Element Code Element Item Code Item Year Code Year Source Code Source Unit Value Flag Flag Description Note
0 GI Fires AFG Afghanistan 7246 Burned Area 6796 Humid tropical forest 1990 1990 3050 FAO TIER 1 ha 0.0 Fc Calculated data NaN
1 GI Fires AFG Afghanistan 7246 Burned Area 6796 Humid tropical forest 1991 1991 3050 FAO TIER 1 ha 0.0 Fc Calculated data NaN
2 GI Fires AFG Afghanistan 7246 Burned Area 6796 Humid tropical forest 1992 1992 3050 FAO TIER 1 ha 0.0 Fc Calculated data NaN
3 GI Fires AFG Afghanistan 7246 Burned Area 6796 Humid tropical forest 1993 1993 3050 FAO TIER 1 ha 0.0 Fc Calculated data NaN
4 GI Fires AFG Afghanistan 7246 Burned Area 6796 Humid tropical forest 1994 1994 3050 FAO TIER 1 ha 0.0 Fc Calculated data NaN
temp_change= df_temperature.groupby(["Year","Months"])["Value"].mean().reset_index()
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
ax = sns.scatterplot(x='Year',
                     palette=sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=len(temp_change.Months.unique())))
max_value_per_year = temp_change.groupby('Year')['Value'].max()
plt.ylabel("Temperature", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("Year", fontsize=16)
plt.title("The trend for temperature change annually over Months")
plt.axvspan(2015, 2020,alpha=0.15) 
land_cover= land_df.groupby(["Year"])["Value"].mean().reset_index()
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
ax = sns.scatterplot(x='Year',
                     palette=sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=len(land_cover.Year.unique())))
max_value_per_year = land_cover.groupby('Year')['Value'].max()
plt.ylabel("Land Cover", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("Year", fontsize=16)
plt.axvspan(2004, 2006,alpha=0.15) 
energy_use= energy_df.groupby(["Year"])["Value"].mean().reset_index()
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
ax = sns.scatterplot(x='Year',
                     palette=sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=len(energy_use.Year.unique())))
max_value_per_year = energy_use.groupby('Year')['Value'].max()
plt.ylabel("Energy Use", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("Year", fontsize=16)
plt.axvspan(1985, 1989,alpha=0.15) 
waste_use= waste_df.groupby(["Year"])["Value"].mean().reset_index()
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
ax = sns.scatterplot(x='Year',
                     palette=sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=len(waste_use.Year.unique())))
max_value_per_year = waste_use.groupby('Year')['Value'].max()
plt.ylabel("Waste Use", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("Year", fontsize=16)
plt.axvspan(1990, 1993,alpha=0.15) 
fires_use= fires_df.groupby(["Year"])["Value"].mean().reset_index()
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
ax = sns.scatterplot(x='Year',
                     palette=sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=len(fires_use.Year.unique())))
max_value_per_year = fires_use.groupby('Year')['Value'].max()
plt.ylabel("Fires Use", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("Year", fontsize=16)
plt.axvspan(1999, 2003,alpha=0.15) 

Correlations between the hottest changes and other phenomena (like land coverage, land fires, CO2 emissions and Fires.)

Based on Aggregating the mean per year shows correlation among temperature, energy use, land cover, waste use, and fires. All country-Value indicator(Value feature based on each tables) combinations show an increase, but there are subtle differences:

  • In Land cover use, in 2004-2005, there was a signifant increase followed by a slighly increase in from 2011-2017.
  • In Energy use, in 1985-1989, there was a signifant increase followed by a slighly increase in from 2019-2020.
  • In Waste use, in 1999-1993, there was a signifant drop followed by a significant increase from 1994-2020.
  • In Fires use, in 1990-2003, there was a signifant increase followed by a slighly decrease from 2003-2020.

  • Almost everywhere, the end-of-year show an correlation that the the temperature that increase yearly affect the use of waste, energy,deforestoration, and land cover yearly.

How does the seasonal temperature change look like?

Domain Code Domain Area Code (ISO3) Area Element Code Element Months Code Months Year Code Year Unit Value Flag Flag Description
0 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1961 1961 °C -0.751 Fc Calculated data
1 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1962 1962 °C 0.985 Fc Calculated data
2 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1963 1963 °C 1.931 Fc Calculated data
3 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1964 1964 °C -2.056 Fc Calculated data
4 ET Temperature change AFG Afghanistan 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1965 1965 °C -0.669 Fc Calculated data
sum mean max
Dec–Jan–Feb 6113.952 0.467428 8.206
Jun–Jul–Aug 6951.271 0.531890 4.764
Mar–Apr–May 6872.110 0.525511 5.533
Meteorological year 6413.093 0.491651 5.328
Sep–Oct–Nov 5761.315 0.441108 6.084
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
for i, (combi, df) in enumerate(df_temperature.groupby(['Months'])):
    ax = plt.subplot(6, 3, i+1, ymargin=0.5)
    #if i == 6: break
plt.suptitle('Seasonal Temperature Change', y=1.03)

Seasonal Temperature Change

  • We can see that on each month has different maximum temperrature. DEC-Jan-Feb has the hottest temperature with 8.206 followed by Sept-Oct-Nov.

How does this vary by continent? Particularly South America?

south_america_countries =['Brazil','Argentina','Chile','Colombia',
                         'Ecuador','Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)',
                         'Bolivia (Plurinational State of)','Guyana',
                         'Uruguay','Suriname', 'Paraguay','Aruba','Trinidad and Tobago']

temperature_sa =df_temperature[df_temperature["Area"].isin(south_america_countries)]
Domain Code Domain Area Code (ISO3) Area Element Code Element Months Code Months Year Code Year Unit Value Flag Flag Description
2700 ET Temperature change ARG Argentina 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1961 1961 °C 0.035 Fc Calculated data
2701 ET Temperature change ARG Argentina 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1962 1962 °C -0.144 Fc Calculated data
2702 ET Temperature change ARG Argentina 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1963 1963 °C 0.552 Fc Calculated data
2703 ET Temperature change ARG Argentina 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1964 1964 °C 0.052 Fc Calculated data
2704 ET Temperature change ARG Argentina 7271 Temperature change 7016 Dec–Jan–Feb 1965 1965 °C -0.034 Fc Calculated data
Text(0, 0.5, 'Temperature')

How about Meterological season temperature changes in South America?

temperature_sa= temperature_sa.groupby(["Year","Months"])["Value"].mean().reset_index()
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
ax = sns.scatterplot(x='Year',
                     palette=sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=len(temperature_sa.Months.unique())))
max_value_per_year = temperature_sa.groupby('Year')['Value'].max()
plt.ylabel("Temperature Change", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("Year", fontsize=16)
plt.axvspan(2013, 2016,alpha=0.15) 
  • Ultimately, there is an uptrend for temperature change in South America annually in which the peak is around 2013-2016.

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